Apple and White Bean Cake
I searched for this in my recipe file, see I first made it 12 years ago. I remember being quite pleased with it but my aunt, who’d come to visit, was bemused “why put beans in a cake?”
And good question, why?
Well first it makes a very moist and soft cake. Sweet bean paste is commonly used in sweets in Japan. Shiroan or white bean paste, is my favourite.
The other reason is there’s a 2:1 ratio of beans to flour so it’s packed with protein. And sweetened with lots of grated apple along with raisins and a little rice malt. So it’s more balanced than your average cake and great for packed lunches or the moment kids get in the door and announce they’re STARVING!
120g butter
3-4 Tbs rice malt (depending on the sweetness of the apple) or honey/maple syrup
240g cooked and mashed cannellini or other white beans (equivalent one can drained)
2 eggs, beaten
120g wholemeal flour
1tsp baking powder
1tsp vanilla essence
1tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
240g grated dessert apples plus apple slices for the top
100g raisins
50g walnut pieces (optional)
Melt the butter in a pan, take off the heat and stir in the rice malt and vanilla
Add the beaten eggs then the mashed beans, nuts (if using) and grated apple, mix well
Fold in the flour, baking powder and spices
Pour into a prepared baking tin and arrange apple slices on top
Bake at 180C for 1 hr or until a skewer comes out clean
